Retirement Calculators

Retirement Calculators

With so many different factors to consider, retirement can seem like a confusing time. Luckily help is at hand. Even if you're not sure what you would like to do with your pension savings yet, our range of tools can help you manage your money by knowing what to expect.

We've covered everything from how long you are likely to live, how likely you are to run out of money if you choose a flexi-access drawdown product, how much money you could release from your home with a lifetime mortgage and how much tax you are likely to pay on your pension if you take it all as a lump sum.

Haven't decided yet?

Fear not. If all of this seems a little complex, you might want to start with our retirement budget planner which will help you work out how much money you are likely to need during your retirement.

Then it's worth spending some time looking at each calculator to help you gain a better understanding of the impact that your choices could have on your retirement income.

And if anything seems confusing, remember that we have a range of jargon busters that will help clarify any technical language that you might not have heard before.

Quick income builder

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Our quick income builder helps you to see the different levels of income that your pension savings could deliver.

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Lifetime Mortgage Calculator

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Looking at retirement options? A popular choice is equity release. Estimate how much you could release from your home with our Lifetime Mortgage calculator.

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Drawdown Risk Calculator

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Investing your pension savings is more flexible than ever. But how do rates of drawdown compare to those of an annuity, and what are the risks?

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Pension taxation

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How much income tax would you need to pay if you took your whole pension pot as cash? Estimate how much tax you are likely to pay on the money you withdraw.

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Retirement Budget Planner

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Do you know the minimum income you need in retirement? Understand the ins and outs of your budget throughout retirement, and identify potential shortfalls.

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Planning your retirement? It's important to make sure your budget covers you for the future. Our longevity calculator is no crystal ball, but it can help.

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